Celebrate 10 years of the Good Meat® movement. Donate today!

10 Years of Good Meat® Advocacy
For more than 10 years, we've been Raising the Steaks,
increasing the visibility, potential and reward of ethically and responsibly produced meat in the marketplace.
In 2014, we began building a Good Meat® movement centered around meat production and consumption practices that invest in healthy land, animals, and people, that embrace transparency from start to finish, and nourish and build community.
We did that together.
With the help of so many, we continue to champion the Good Meat® values we all believe in. Investing in these values has a measurable impact for farmers, ranchers, butchers, chefs, and eaters.
Let's Raise the Steaks together and provide unique learning opportunities to those who bring Good Meat products to your table.
Every donation makes an impact on a farmer or rancher, butcher or chef, and even eaters who share our Good Meat® values. Here are some ways you can support our work:
- Sponsor a Lowdown event. This donation directly supports our peer-to-peer education opportunities!
- Give to our New Resources Fund. This pool of donations directly supports the development of new education resources.
- Get a mention in our seasonal Good Meat® Journal! In each of our quarterly journals, we will recognize you on our thank you page.
- Support a GMP program of your choice. Choose to directly support our FARMIN, BACON, or GMB programs.
- Get some Good Meat® swag. Some donations qualify for our one-of-a-kind swag, like our 2025 wall calendar (while supplies last).