Our Services
Learn more about our fee-for-service offerings

Collaboration is one of our core organizational values.
It order to achieve our mission, we foster authentic, long-term partnerships and projects with organizations and businesses that are working to support the farmers, ranchers, butchers, chefs, and other food professionals who align with our Good Meat® values. Here are some of the fee-based services we provide to our various collaborators. We partner with organizations, state, local and national agencies, and other business entities to create marketing toolkits and resources, technical assistance webinars, and workshops for specific audiences. Learn More about our ongoing services and collaborations.
Our Services
Office Hours
To support Good Meat® farmers and ranchers who are struggling with the marketing component of their business, we partner with organizations and state and local agencies to offer subsidized individual office hours with our network of Good Meat® marketing experts.

Hands-Free Marketing
New in 2025, this service is available to organizations and state and local agencies. Participants will can engage a GMP-sponsored marketing professional to assist with branding and design, or strategic writing for their business. This service allows specialists to implement marketing projects directly, relieving business owners of the burden of managing multiple roles.
Good Meat Project frequently attends industry conferences in the form of general attendance, tabling, breakout session leader, and as a guest speaker.

Marketing Education Workshops & Series
In partnership with likeminded organizations, trade associations, and state and local agencies who serve direct-to-consumer Good Meat® farmers, ranchers, butchers, and chefs, we develop and offer marketing education workshops on a fee-for-service basis.
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