Our Programs & Projects

Our programs help us to build a Good Meat® movement
Are you a Good Meat® farmer or rancher who sells directly to consumers, butcher shops, restaurants or institutions?
Are you a Good Meat® food professional who wants to connect with other like-minded folks around sourcing, processing, and cooking?
Are you interested in finding and cooking meat that aligns with our Good Meat® values? Interested in learning about the Good Meat® universe?
Good Meat Breakdown®
We inspire consumers through various forms of online and in-person education, to define their own Good Meat® values and help them to find, buy, and cook meat that aligns with those values.
Farmers & Ranchers Marketing Innovation Network
We support Good Meat® farms, ranches, and brands that raise and/or sell direct to consumers and/or retail outlets through technical assistance, resource libraries, collaborative marketing experimentation, toolkits, peer-to-peer learning, and networking opportunities.
Butchers & Chefs Opportunity Network
Our BACON program supports Good Meat® butchers, chefs, and other food professionals. We support this community through peer-to-peer learning, knowledge exchange, education, resource libraries, and apprenticeship programs.
Support Our Work With A Donation
We couldn't run our programs without your support. Your donation will help us grow the Good Meat® movement and ensure the economic viability and positive ecological impact of livestock farmers who invest in healthy land, animals, and people. Something we can all feel good about!

Other Projects & Initiatives
Good Meat® Collectives
The Good Meat® Project trains Good Meat® ambassadors, in communities around the country, to develop, organize, and host hands-on classes in whole-animal butchery, charcuterie and cookery, and humane slaughter, themselves. Are you a Good Meat® farmer, rancher, butcher, chef, or other advocate who wants to host this type of classes in your community?
Good Meat® Switchboard
We built the Good Meat® Switchboard to create and strengthen dialogue between everyone in the Good Meat® community. A free, online tool, the Switchboard helps consumers, producers, processors, and others to buy, sell, and learn about Good Meat in their regions. The Switchboard simultaneously serves as a free, online, national, searchable marketplace, information exchange, networking hub, job board, virtual mutual aid network, and so much more. Membership is free. Join our Good Meat® Switchboard today!
Want to learn more from GMP staff directly or have questions?
Email programs@goodmeatproject.org
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