Trade Promotions
Marketplace innovation, connection, and education in action
Let's build a Good Meat® movement today.
Donate today!A collaborative marketing strategy for the entire Good Meat® community
Our trade promotions are a major focus of our Farmers and Ranchers Marketing Innovation Network. We develop these trade promotions in partnership with our network of marketing, design, and copywriting experts. Our promotion participants come from our community of Good Meat® producers, brands, and businesses from all across the country who align with our Good Meat® values. Read on to find out more.
How Do Our Trade Promotions Work?
For each trade promotion, we develop a promotional theme and marketing strategy that our diverse community of Good Meat® farmers and ranchers can get behind. We develop all the content necessary to make that promotion come to life, and we open source all of it to our participants. Each participant adapts the materials to their brand and participants post and send out content at the same time each year. The Good Meat Project provides all the necessary motivation, coordination, education, and infrastructure to ensure that participants grow their customer base, increase their sales, and, while we're all at it, raise the profile of the Good Meat® movement.

Components of Our Promotions
A Playbook
The playbook contains a digital book of content to use in social media posts and newsletters, along with a marketing calendar, and other instructions to guide promotion participants.
A Sweepstakes
For select promotions, customers will enter to win a prize (like a chest freezer!) provided by GMP sponsors. This will help us collect customer data that we’ll share with our participating brands.
A Media Guide
We'll work with our network of public relations and media experts to create media pitch templates and press releases, to help you gain local media attention.
Goals of Our Promotions
Encourage customers to buy directly from our Good Meat® farmers and ranchers, driving more revenue and more efficient sales for producers.
Increase awareness and appeal of high quality, delicious, locally raised and butchered meats that align with our Good Meat® values.
Leverage the collective power of a trade promotion to educate consumers and gather producers together around a shared challenge, while providing marketing support along the way.
Along the way, we provide participants with:
- A marketing calendar
- Accompanying content for social media posts and newsletters
- Links to share with your customers where they can enter a sweepstakes to win prizes (for select promotions)
- Data and customer information from the sweepstakes (for select promotions)
- Knowledge about digital marketing tactics to increase web traffic and reach new followers
- Opportunities for marketing education
Check Out Our Trade Promotions
Our annual Real Burger of Earth Day promotion educates consumers around the country on the benefits of grassfed, with grassfed farmers, ranchers, restaurants and stores around the country taking part over the course of the three weeks leading up to Earth Day.
Our inaugural Local Meat, Local Flavor bulk buying promotion in 2023, was an opportunity for direct-to-consumer producers across the country to drive bulk sales and demonstrate to their customers the creativity, deliciousness and preparedness that comes with buying in bulk. We've updated the materials for this promotion to be available as a year-round and self-guided opportunity.
Why Trade Promotions?
Our mission is to catalyze marketplace innovation, connection, and education across the meat supply chain in order to increase the economic viability and positive ecological impact of livestock farmers who invest in healthy land, animals, and people. Our trade promotions are the perfect embodiment of that mission!
In 2020-2021, our Grassfed Alliance team embarked on a market research project to reveal what consumers, retail buyers, and others find most important when choosing grassfed and regenerative products. Through this research, we confirmed what we already knew after more than a decade of working with consumers: they are are looking for more cohesive messaging that ties their top priorities—flavor and cost—to the production practices they care about.
In 2021-2022, we also interviewed more than 105 direct-to-consumer Good Meat® farmers and ranchers around the country, to find out what kind of market support they needed. Producers expressed frustration about the amount of time it takes to come up with original marketing materials and content. They were also looking for individualized and community support and education. And they expressed wanting to feel a part of a broader, shared marketplace vision and vocabulary—a collaborative, cohesive Good Meat® marketplace, if you will.
After a decade spent working with farmers and ranchers to increase their marketing and sales success, we launched our first trade promotion, the Real Burger of Earth Day, in 2021, a collaborative effort among a small group of 100% grassfed farmers and ranchers around the country, that we now run annually. In 2022-23, we launched our Local Meat, Local Flavor bulk buying promotion to help direct-to-consumer producers increase their bulk meat customers. Based on continued feedback from our growing Good Meat® community of farmers and ranchers, we'll continue to run these promotions along with new promotions, all in service of our mission.
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