Keep Meat Real
Death. Let’s talk about it.

Let's build a Good Meat® movement today.
Donate today!No matter what we choose to eat, it’s likely something had to die. Whether you choose soy, pea protein isolate, crickets or real meat, death is inherent.
Transparency means knowing not only about an animals quality of life, but also quality of death. Since transparency is one of the Good Meat® values that we center in our own definition of responsible meat consumption, that means death is part of that consumption.
Many of us are far removed from these realities of food production. We don’t see what happens to our food before it ends up in the cold case at the grocery store shrink wrapped in plastic. The myth is that the production of alternative protein products don’t include death. The truth is they do, the companies who manufacture them just aren’t transparent about it. Millions of pollinators like bees die every season, thanks to the chemical pesticides and fertilizers that are used on most commodity crops. Microbes alike, die in soil and nearby ecosystems that are treated with these same chemicals. When soil health is depleted and the environment can no longer sustain anything without additives and amendments, the unintentional deaths of local populations of small and large animals, caused by plant based food production, grow exponentially.
Fortunately, most farmers and ranchers that raise livestock for meat understand that they are an integral part of the cycle of responsible meat consumption and they often do everything they can to honor the life and utility of the whole animal. If you are seeking to consume meat responsibly, this website is designed to help you find a Good Meat® farmer or rancher near you that can help you source meat that aligns with your values. Check out our Find a Farmer resources here.

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